For certain arcade sticks, such as those by Hori's RAP N and Fighting Edge, the Noir layout was standard on those sticks, which allows all the top and bottom four buttons to reach with your hands a bit easier. Like anything else, the button layout is a personal preference and it's whatever is easier for you to execute your moves.
The plexi is clear white. The blue you see in the pic is from the protective film, which you will need to remove
For the screws, you would simply use the same screws from the VEWLIX layout panel that is stock in your current Obsidian
We'll have an photo or video with step by step instructions once we get this in our hands
Important: We are only offering these as a kit. Choose either 6 or 8 button plexi panel. The metal panel (8-button cut ONLY) will be bundled automatically
1) Select either 6 or 8 Button NOIR Panel (Click on ADD TO CART)
2) (Qanba Obsidian Noir) and apply art as instructed (USE OUR TEMPLATE ONLY - If you use another template, we CANNOT print it and you'll have to redo it)
3) Once you have done this, click on the ARTWORK box (with the Panel Type), upload the artwork and then click on ADD TO CART
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